Animatronic Eyes

— February of 2021 —

Since coming back to school to finish out my senior year of college (still during the pandemic) I wanted to challenge myself in my apartment and see if I could learn some animatronics. After scouring YouTube for a couple of hours, I came across Will Cogley’s channel where he gives incredibly in-depth tutorials on DIY animatronic projects. What caught my attention was his Animatronic Eyes project, where it’s almost entirely 3D printed, controlled by an Arduino, and has 6 axis of motion using small servos.

With a full Instructables article, Will allows anyone to download his open-source files and modify them as they please. While I only had to modify the STL files a little, in Arduino I went and wrote a script to record the movements I make with the joystick, allowing me to playback more fluid and natural motions, rather than having to manually program each movement. I highly suggest checking out Will’s website for all of his projects (link down below).

Animatronic Eyes .gif (1).gif

The Tokyo Drifting Project